Monday, May 4, 2009

Do something Exciting!

Akhir-akhir ini gwe merasa hidup gwe sangatlah monoton dan sangat terpola. 2 minggu kerja di Kalimantan, 2 minggu lagi off duty. Kerjaan gwe pas lagi off standart sekale, layaknya wanita metropolitan (baca : Shopping/mall hopping/catching up with old friends) *jiah, wanita metropolitan ceritanya!!!

S T A N D A R D. . .

I want to do something exciting, something i've never experienced before. Like what?
...Go on a backpacking trip with my friends, exploring exotic places in Indonesia.
...Travel around the world and go visit my friends who are studying abroad in Europe and Japan.
...Go on a camping trip to Bromo.
...Experiencing a diving trip in the waters of Bali.
...Watching a sunset in Puncak.
...Apply for a scholarship in Europe, and suprisingly got accepted ;P.

...Learn photography and go for picture hunting in Kota Tua.
...A culinary trip around Jakarta with my lovely boy friend.

O well, let's save it up for the next trip of holidays!..I'm going back to work on Wednesday x( This means, no more waking up late and MUST have the energy to work from 7 in the morning untill 6.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Please don't judge a book, just from its cover. . .

U'huh, never judge a book from it's cover.

Yeap..udah sering denger nih kata-kata seperti itu. Tapi baru kali ini fenomena pepatah "don't judge a book by its cover" terjadi dan world wide nation pula! Jadi, kejadian ini terjadi di acara Britains Got Talent. Semacam reality show dalam hal ajang pencarian bakat, dari mulai nyanyi, joget, sulap, dangdutan (hehe..gak deng), siapapun yang merasa berbakat ditantang untuk mendaftar audisi. Pemenang kemudian akan menerima uang sebesar £100,000 dan juga diberikan kesempatan untuk tampil di depan keluarga kerajaan Inggris.

Okay, lanjut ceritanyaaah...seorang Susay Boyle mendaftarkan diri untuk ikut tampil dalam ajang tersebut. Dari penampilan fisiknya dia memang gak terlalu menonjol, umurnya juga udah 47 tahun, rambut ubanan, badak montok, dan penampilan fashion-nya juga kurang oke(*jiah, serasa gwe udah oke). Orang-orang pun pada heran dengan wanita paruh baya ini, masih pede juga tampil depan umum..tampil di TV pula. Juri pun bingung dan terperangah dengan Ibu Susan Boyle ini. Gwe inget banget percakapan antara Simon Cowell dengan Susan sebelum dia nyanyi :
Simon Cowell (SC) : How old are you Susan?
Susan Boyle (SB) : 47
(Simon pasang muka tertegun, aura-aura under estimate mulai keluar)
SC : Ok, so what's the dream?
SB : I'm trying to be a professional singer
(Smirking audience, yep under estimated much!!!)

Ya okay, but the moment she opened her mouth and started to sing...WHOAAAAAA! What a surprise, she wowed every one in the studio. I mean like, with her appearance who would ever thought that she had such a big talent. Even one of the judge admitted that this was a wake up call to not be cynical to those who doesn't have much of an appearance. Huah, so who's laughing now y'all

The amazing Susan Boyle!

Lesson learned..
  1. Don't be a cynic, who only sees people from its outer appearance
  2. The world does not revolve just around you, so don't exaggerate much and give a fuss over your self.
Gwe akui, terkadang gwe suka menutup mata dan memandang enteng/rendah orang lain. Tapi setelah liat video dari Ibu Susan Boyle, i vow never to under estimate and miss-judge other people!