Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hooo Nyesek....!!! x(

Sumpah mati hari ini gak ada kerjaan banged..Nganggur nganggur..Hehehe. Sampe-sampe gwe ngeposting 2 kali dalam satu hari ini!! Hohohoho....dan emang lagi mood ajah buat kotrat-kotret ;P
Yoa, sesuai judulnya..Gue baru inget! Tadi malem gwe sempet nonton MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING untuk kesekian kali..Hoho, tapi tetep lo,tetep menyentuh hati terdalam. Hati ini sukses tertohok sangat dalam. Huhuhu, maklum ceritanya agak mirip sama pengalaman pribadi. Hihihiiii...
Masi inget dong sama cerita "My Best Friend's Wedding"? Ya chick flick sih,emang cerita cewek banged..Nyeritain tentang Julianne Potter (Julia Roberts) yang berusaha merebut hati sobatnya Michael ONeal (Dermott Mulroney) yang akan nikah. Setelah berteman cukup lama, Jullianne baru sadar bahwasanya selama ini dia tuh is in love with Michael..Hukshuks...Pengorbanan cinta, Halah!
Ada beberapa quote yang bikin gwe terhenyak (alah bahasanya!), waktu Julianne nyatain perasaannya sama Michael, dia bilang gini :
"Michael... I love you. I've loved you for nine years, I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it, and... well, now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune time but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. Oh, that sounds like three favors, doesn't it? "
Huuuuuuuuuks, agak nyesek..been there done that banget for me!! Hohohoho...Note : Not the exact condition lhaaa! Gila apa gueeee.....Tapi gile broooo nine years in love with the same person.Gak kebayang, gue aja yang cuma dua taun udah mo mati gaya!! Hahaha......Terus quote yang satu lagi :
Michael O'Neill: Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just...
Julianne Potter: Passes you by...
Michael O'Neill: Passes you by...
Hoooo betul banged tuuu, so kalo lo suka ato sayang sama seseorang..jangan pernah takut untuk ngungkapin perasaan loe. Berat memang. Tapi worth it banget untuk dilakukan. Lebih baik orang itu tau kalo kita punya perasaan lebih ke dia, daripada dipendem-pendem. Penyesalan akan menanti di kemudian hari. Sekali lagi sodara-sodaraaa BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!!
Oooo hampir lupa, satu scene lagi yang bikin gue selalu berkaca-kaca, gue ulangi Selalu berkaca-kaca setiap kali nonton film ini,which is ketika Julianne sebagai maid of honner ngasih speech atau semacam kata sambutan di acara pernikahan si Micahel :
"I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that some psychopath was trying to break the two of you up. Luckily, I woke up and I see that the world is just as it should be. For my best friend has won the best woman.."
Hhhhhh..menghela napas dalam-dalam, sambil menyeka beberapa air mata yang mulai menetes. Hoho, dasar cengeng gue ini...Haha, and tentunya who coudn't remember that unforgetfull soundtrack
"Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heart
And I will love you forever, and ever we never will part..
Oh, how I'll love you together, forever, that's how it must be
To live without youWould only mean heartbreak for me"
Pokoknya this is an all time favorite movie for me lah!!!
Best regards,

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