Friday, August 12, 2011


Apa yang ada di pikiran teman-teman sekalian kalau mendengar kata PMS?

A raging-emotionally-mellow-woman with tantrums?*ini sih my personal thoughts hehehe* Tapi kebanyakan image PMS emang gak jauh-jauh dari situ..

Why not take a tour to get a better knowledge about it?*gwe juga sekalian belajar :p

Kalau secara ilmiah sih, PMS itu merupakan singkatan dari Premenstrual Syndrome. Dikatakan bahwa PMS ini merupakan kumpulan gejala fisik, emosi, psikologis yang terkait dengan siklus menstruasi kaum hawa. Gejala ini biasanya terjadi dua minggu periode sebelum menstruasi dan terjadi secara reguler. Tak jarang gangguan kesehatan seperti pusing, depresi, dan rasa sensitif yang berlebihan seringkali dianggap lumrah bagi wanita usia produktif. Adapun "biang kerok" dari PMS ini adalah perubahan hormonal pada saat ovulasi (pelepasan sel telur dari ovarium). Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa ketidakseimbangan hormon estrogen dan progesteron. menjadi penyebab PMS. Dan saya pun baru tau kalo PMS ini ada tipe-tipe nya juga..wedeeww. udah kayak rumah aje. Oiya, hal lain yang biasanya terjadi pada kebanyakan wanita (berbarengan dengan menstruasi) adalah keram perut. Tapi katanya sih nyeri atau keram perut ini bukan PMS, namun "kejadiannya" hampir selalu berbarengan dengan siklus menstruasi *semua bacotan dan penjelasan singkat tentang PMS saya ambil dari sini*

Lucu juga sih, alasan PMS ini seringkali menjadi “senjata” bagi kebanyakan kaum hawa ketika mereka mendadak menjadi drama queen yang super rese dan lebay menjelang datang bulan. Gwe pribadi juga gitu, seringkali kalo udah mau dapet mendadak menjadi lebih ganas daripada biasanya. Dalam kondisi gak dapet aja ganas, gimana menjelang dapet yak? Imbas terbesar dari luapan emosi ini ya tentunya si pacar dong! Sebagai pacar yang sabar dan baik dan hati,nampaknya doi sudah menyiapkan mental baja dan kekuatan hati untuk menghadapi luapan emosi dan ke-lebay-an diri ini. Doi udah tabah ngadepin perubahan mood yang 3600 ini (ekstrem nya seperti itu). Mulai dari rewel gak jelas, terus tiba-tiba mellow dan tiba-tiba *jeng..jeng* jadi ratu setan yang kerjaannya marah-marah gak jelas. Sabar ya pacar :*

Yang lebih lucunya lagi..dari pas lagi dapet sampe pasca dapet teteup aja emosian..dan tentu saja we blame it on those damn hormones! *emang dasar galak aja orang nya hehe*


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fasting Month

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan is finally here..

In this occasion, I would like to say Happy fasting to all the Muslims in the world and may this year of Ramadhan be filled with blessings!

I myself have given an oath to fill this Ramadhan with a little "religious" air, such as doing tadarus (reading the Quran). I haven't been doing this for a long time, so I'm pretty nervous that I'll get my reading wrong. Well hopefully all goes well!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mid 2011!

Oh my, what's up with me?

Did you guys notice that my last post was way back in 2010?? Approximately at the same month also, end of July and early August?? -____-"

It's been ages dude!!!!

If I recall, my last post was about me leaving Muara Badak... and now here I am one year later in Grad School. Struggling. Big Time.

One thing that I miss from working is being financially independent from my parents! Why? I mean, you get to do whatever you want with your money! You've earned it yourself and technically IT IS YOUR MONEY. But now being jobless and having no income, I'm very dependent with what my parents gave me. I just don't feel comfortable with this condition, since I've experienced working and earning my own income. And because of this I'm really eager to finish grad school, get a job and eventually get hitched (tee-hee-hee *blushing).

So, here is to the spirit for finisihing grad school on time and becoming financially independent (again)!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Facts of life

Before that, just want to give a shout out to all the muslims in the world :

Happy Fasting month people! May this year Ramadhan, brings blessing to all of us :)

Back to today's tittle, I found a small note that I made around 4 or 5 years ago lying in the bottom of my drawer. The note tittle was "Facts of Life".*boy was I wise at that time :p

So far I've experienced about half of these facts, so yeah I could say that it's pretty valid.

Might as well just jot 'em down and share it with y'all.

  1. At least 5 people in this world loves you much and they would even die for you.
  2. The reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
  3. when you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
  4. You are special and unique in your own way.
  5. At least 5 people in this world loves you in the same way.
  6. Every night someone thinks about you, before he/she goes to sleep.
  7. Without you, someone may not be living.
  8. Your smile can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
  9. You mean the world to someone.
  10. When you think you have no choice at getting what you want, you probably won't get it. But if you believe in yourself you'll probably sooner or later get it.
So, which one of the 10 facts above has ever happen to you guys? ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010


A simple quote which summarize pretty much what to do in life...

"Live well, learn plenty, laugh often, and love much"

Hello-Good Bye


8 month passed already?? Looking at my timeline, the last time I blogged was on mid January!

A lot has happened in those 8 month ^_^

The major life turning moment is that I recently quit (errr..i mean resign) from my job, and will attend Grad School this weekend! Yay for me! In a way, I feel quite proud and satisfied with myself. I've been babling all the way insisting that one day I must attend grad school, and eventually I did! Even though not in Europe or abroad as I've always dreamed of, but at least I'm heading back to Bandung : a city which i truly love and adore.

Consequently, I have to leave my previous job as Contract Administrator from VICO Indonesia, Muara Badak.

Leaving something that has been a part of me for almost two years wasn't easy at all. Apart from the hectic job which drives me up the wall, I've addressed Badak as my second home which I return to in every 2 weeks. I've found comfort and happiness from the surroundings which I refer as my second family. As I rethink it over, how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. That is why, no tears shall be shed and a smile upon the good memories will surely be shown.

Good bye Muara Badak..
Hello Grad School :)

"Good Byes simply means I'll miss you and until we meet again in a different time and place

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's 2010!!



The last time i wrote on this blog was on October 2009, and NOW its already January 2010!
I've been absent for almost 2 month...

I miss blogging, and there's TONS of story to write and cherish..and also it's a new year baby! I expect many wonderful things ahead (crossing my fingers) and hope that this year will be much,much,much better than the previous years!

Okaaayy...buckle up and let's blog again!