Friday, April 24, 2009

We have a new Terminal At Soekarno Hatta!!!! duty!! wake up and small the air of relaxing, fun, and most important...waking up late!! :)

Ya ya ya, gwe lagi hari pertama off nih..ihihihihiii.

Well okay sesuai judul blog-nya..kemaren gwe landing di Terminal 3 Soekarno Hatta, a brand new terminal y'all! Well i was pretty amazed with the was so futuristic yet simple,With all these lay-out it felt like I was arriving someplace abroad, instead of Jakarta. But it was good, at least the toilet's were civilized! Unlike the ones in was awfull! You want to know how bad it was? I had a really bad stomache ache and really need to do my thing, the second i saw the toilet I was like....WHAT???? So there, suddenly my aching stomach just stopped and went away after seing how shamble the toilet was....

Take a look at some snaps of the new terminal......

This was taken, after I passed the arrival gate

These above pictures are taken from outside the Terminal

Bagus ya? Ya, gwe sih cuma berharap siapapun yang mengurus dan memakai terminal ini bisa ikut merawatnya dengan baik. Sayang aja, terminal sekeren ini kalo gak bisa dirawat. Kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang buruk nih, pembuatannya doang yang bisa tapi perawatannya gak terlalu maksimal. Semoga hal ini gak menimpa terminal ini ya....

Semoga diri-mu tetap terawat ya Terminal 3!!

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